Sunday, February 17, 2013


A little bit of a fluff read for my followers who need to catch up on... It's been a great weekend. Mattie came back from New York and spoiled all of us with belated Valentines gifts, shirts from NYC, candy, and baklava from my favorite pastry shop near Columbia University. We balanced time with family and friends this weekend and while by some accounts we got nothing done, by others we deepened relationships and continued to forge strong bonds with one another and with people we value so much. The weather was gorgeous, food was delicious, and it's hard to pick the highlight of the weekend. Maybe it was homemade biscuits with honey Sunday morning, maybe it was time by the fire pit with extended family, or maybe it was Saturday afternoon naps where we all drifted in and out of sleep. Nope. Without a doubt, it's movie night with the kids and the rarest of occasions in our house that Mattie and I have both been waiting for, when all three kids snuggled up with us on the couch for almost the entire duration of the movie. It's a night of no consequence, but one we will cherish for years to come. Hope everyone's weekend was just as great!

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