Monday, September 9, 2013

The Johnson Gene

Mac is pretty much all Howard Family. Her stature, her looks, her expressions all come from her Daddy's side of the family. We still comment on how, within 15 minutes of exiting the womb, she was making facial expressions like Matt. I see so little of myself in her physically, but I've been thrown a couple of pitches in her personality. One shone through this past weekend at church. A friend of ours was with Mac in the large group for preschool. Anywhere from 20-30 kids will sit, listen to a bible story, sing a song, and answer questions about what they are learning. Apparently, someone was either talking out of turn or answered incorrectly. Mac proceeded to turn around, look our friend straight in the face, and gave her the biggest eye roll she had ever seen out of a little kid. When my friend told me the story she laughed and said, "I couldn't help but think, oh! There is some of your mother in you!" I'm so proud of my little eye roller. I will give her a lesson in hiding the eye roll soon.

Edited to add: Apparently it was the teacher that Mac was rolling her eyes "C'mon lady, we got this, let's move on..." She is so my daughter...

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