Tuesday, May 14, 2013


This summer our church, Cypress Bible Church, will be holding a Vacation Bible School. I have never been involved in a VBS ever, but due to my dear friend using statements like, "What about Ashley Howard? I feel that she is an underutilized member of our congregation.", I have been sucked into a coordinating role. I am actually enjoying it, it is all data work up front, coordinating the volunteers into their little spots. It is organizing and communicating, two things that I rather enjoy. Plus, it means that my kids get to participate in VBS this year as under Kindergarteners only get to attend with a parent who is volunteering.

I sat at my first meeting today, listening intently to all the planning that goes on for a week long endeavor such as this. With introductions, we were asked to also name a person of the bible that we admire, relate to, or just simply like. When my turn came around, I mentioned Joseph, Mary's husband. While not much is known about him or his life, he is someone I have always felt a connection with. I grew up pseudo Catholic as my grandmother who was uber Catholic would teach me about the Catholic church and take us throughout the year when we stayed weekends with her. She is the one who told me that I was born on St. Joseph's Day. As I got older and learned more about who Joseph was, I admired this man. As I explained today, "He took on her and this child, when he didn't have to, and when society would have said otherwise." As my turn passed at the introductions went around the table, I was struck with the realization that I have always felt a connection to Joseph and now feel an even deeper connection to his story of taking on a child that I "didn't have to" and that "society would have said otherwise" about.

I never would have thought growing up that I would relate to this man in that way. I am grateful for the decision he made and I am grateful for Matt and I's decision as well.

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