Saturday, January 26, 2013


I cannot reiterate how thankful I am that Mattie has Saturdays off now. Today we woke up when the baby did (8:00), laid around in bed until the girls started stirring (9:00), made blueberry muffins and scrambled eggs, ran some very not important errands, ate lunch on the patio of one of my favorite burger places, and came home to all take a nap. The times we have been able to do this since Mattie and I have been together (beginning in 2001) may not be able to be counted on one hand, but you could probably count them on my hands and feet. I am so grateful for Matt's new job for a number of reasons, but the new and normal schedule is much appreciated. Hopefully it is our first of many leisurely family Saturdays with little agenda, just focusing on spending time together as a family and enjoying each other's company.

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