Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Favorite game

The girls have many games that they play and they pretend really well together, but one in particular is to play nap time. They will frequently get their nap mats from school, our big play mats, pillows off the couch, or throw blankets and arrange them on the floor to pretend to take a nap. They will make their little bed, get a stuffed animal, and "go to sleep" for a few minutes before popping up and saying "Good Morning!". It is funny to watch because they will repeatedly go through this process for 30 to 45 minutes before moving on to a new game. They especially love playing this game at Dee and Doc's house because they get to play it in the big bed in their grandparent's room. 

A funny new addition to the play time is Mac tucking Keegan in while explaining what they will do after nap. I have had to work with Mac on getting her to rest a bit during her nap time and can get her to sleep a bit longer (rather than playing or reading quietly which is fine too) if I tell her all the good plans we have for after nap time. So Mac will explain some other pretend element of their game as she wraps blankets around her sister. Even funnier is the fact that they frequently "plan" on going over to Grammy and Grampy's house after nap...Grammy and Grampy are one of their friend's grandparents and they so frequently pretend to go to their house that my girls just think it's a big game!

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