Monday, April 4, 2011


In honor of the changes here is my first Monday Musing...which makes more sense in my head...

Matt and I have often had the discussion about soulmates. Is it possible for their to be just one person absolutely meant for you out there in our world. My Don't take the negative answer at face value though. Just because I don't believe in a single soul mate out there for each person does not mean that I do not believe in and strive for monogamy. I wholeheartedly support monogamous relationships and will work my butt off to stay in mine. My take on lasting relationships though is somewhat different...

My belief is that when you meet are meeting a potential partner. However, many things have to fall into place for that relationship to blossom and thus go anywhere. Sometimes age is a factor. Sometimes current relationships are a factor. Sometimes work, location, emotional status, desires, hopes, and dreams are a factor and get in the way. I like to think of it in the reference of wavelengths. We are all on wavelength like paths and we have to meet someone who matches our current wavelength in order to develop a relationship. Sometimes our wavelengths cross someone else's and they merge for a time, but for whatever reason cannot merge for the rest of our lives. Sometimes we meet someone and they merge for a long time. At the point in which you merge with someone else for a long time you have to make a decision. Do you continue on in your relationship or do you stop. If you continue on in your relationship you are pledging to keep your wavelengths together. This. Takes. Work. To keep two wavelengths together can be really easy and it can also be really hard. This is what marriage (or any successful long term relationship) is really about. Working hard and praying to God that you and your significant other can work to keep your wavelengths together. If one person's wavelength is moving then the two need to work together to move it back or move with it. My hope is that Matt and I's wavelength will continue to work together. We will certainly do our best to keep it that way.

Marriage is hard work. Especially when other factors get in the way. But it is so worth it.

The day we pledged to keep our wavelengths in synch...

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