Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy Christmas!

We had a fairly decent Christmas this year. It is difficult with three sets of parents to make sure everyone gets quality time with us (and especially now with the baby). It was also challenging because we knew Matt would have to work Christmas Eve until 3 and we thought he would have to work the day after Christmas as well making a few short hours available to run around visiting. In the end we made a schedule that worked well for us and MacKenzie. We also worked to set the precedent that our children (unless it is a special trip) will wake up in their own home Christmas morning. We want that to always be the same and to be a special time for us (and whomever wants to join) to open presents, listen to music, have a special breakfast and enjoy quiet time. It ended up that we spent Christmas Eve in College Station with Matt's family, my mom, Fred, sister, her boyfriend, and his little girl came Christmas morning, and we went to my Dad's Christmas afternoon. We also spent the evening of the 26th at my mom's with her extended family. We had some wonderful food and enjoyed all of the visiting. MacKenzie did really well and did not fuss when passed from person to person. We are looking forward to next year when we can start talking to her about why we celebrate Christmas and she will even be able to open her own presents (I think...)!

While Christmas is not just about the presents, it is nice to look for and give presents, as well as to receive things someone thinks you will like. We are very glad that our family has listened when we tell them what a big baby we have because all of the clothes she received fit or are big for her to grow into. We did not receive any 3 month (even though she is only 2 months) which is good because we are about to have to pack all of the clothing up for her. We enjoyed opening her presents and did not mind getting a few little goodies for ourselves along the way!

Here are a few pictures of our busy days!

Matt likes to hold her and fall asleep while watching t.v.

MacKenzie and her PawPaw (my dad)

Santa brought us a good present this year!

Chloe, Jesse, and Auntie J

Popi, MacKenzie, Grammy KiKi

We even got Aunt McKay to hold her...

Getting McKay to hold her was a really big deal. We would love a baby cousin on this side of the family for MacKenzie to play with...we think it might be awhile though. Perhaps our next child will have a play mate and MacKenzie will just have to be left out and have to entertain herself...poor little MacKenzie...

Merry Christmas to everyone!!!


McKay said...

Oh you guys are such weasels! Don't worry about it so much! Rob and I feel obliged to contribute our awesome genetic codes to the human gene pool. We're just waiting until we've had all the awesome hot sex we can handle before we do it for procreation purposes...

Ashley Howard said...

First of all...gross...

Second of making sex is the best there is...