Although we do not want to see with an ultrasound what we are having, we have looked at some quizzes and online predictor charts to see what they say. A quiz on informed me that I am either having a boy or a girl...thanks...that was really helpful. The standard Chinese Predictor Chart (age 24, month of conception February)

says we are having a girl, but with a 58% chance of it being a boy and a 42% chance of it being a girl...confusing. The Chinese Lunar calendar (putting in my birthday and the day of conception) says boy. With no consistency in all of these prediction methods, I fail to believe any of them. The only sure fire way to know is to wait until this little sucker comes out to see if they will be a linebacker for the Aggies or a basketball star for the Women's team!
Note: Matt wanted me to add on that he liked that we were waiting to find out because it meant more of our stuff would be gender neutral thus adding value to our new baby when we are ready for a second...
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