Thursday, April 9, 2015

My girls

Today the girls school hosted an early Mother's Day tea in their class. We were invited to the school for playtime, circle time, a cute song, a delightful craft, and a meal with our kids. Matt took the day off so he could take Johnny to therapy and I was happy to devote time to my sweet girls. They delighted in showing me their classroom and introducing their friends. Apparently Keegan has made a great friend with one of the older girls in the class and it was fun to watch them hug and play. At circle time they were tasked with introducing us and telling what their favorite thing to do with mommy was. Keegan shouted out "playing and snuggling" and Mac curled into a ball and refused to answer. I was able to get enthusiastic nods from her in response to "playing basketball and reading". The craft involved making a flower picture with all of our painted handprints and they both loved painting my hand and helping me press it on the paper. 

After, we walked over to the school's culinary class and had a meal served to us!!! It was special to have that time with my girls and they could have given me the same pb&j they gave the girls and I would have been excited to simply sit, have a meal brought to me, and not have to clean up anything! I loved talking with Mac and Keegan about different aspects of their class and spoke a bit with Mac's buddy teacher too. She has been working hard with Mac on reading and writing and I have seen improvement across the board!

These pictures were taken by each of the girls-

Once that was finished, I went over to the elementary school we are zoned to and registered Mac for school. It made me nervous and sentimental and a little sad, not at her going, but at how quickly the time is passing. Six years ago we were just telling people she was on her way to join our family, relishing in our secret through the first trimester, and now she is ready to go off on her own, car riding to school in the morning and bus riding in the afternoon. It's such an odd place to be, I am anticipating this new step and all of her education years ahead with gladness, she will learn and grow so much, but I cannot believe the last stage, the at home and preschool stage, is coming to an end. I so enjoy spending time with her, I am going to miss her, but she is amazingly well prepared and ready to be in a big girl class in a big girl school! 

It's such a great time to be their Mom. I am lucky to have them and to spend extra time with them or to hear all about their day when we reunite!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Today Johnny and I took a nice long walk around a "lake" at a local park, then met friends to play on the playground. There were several kids playing on the structure, running across the bridges, climbing up the stairs and ladders with ease, and going both down and up the numerous slides. Undaunted by the older kids running around, I plopped Johnny down in the mulch, stayed a few steps behind him, and let him explore. He quickly made his way over to the stairs, climbed them with ease, and scootched his way over to the tallest slide on the structure. At the top, I saw his happy grin and waited for him to decide if he wanted  to back down or be adventurous and take the slide. It wasn't a difficult decision for him, he wiggled his bum to the edge of the decline and waited for gravity to take over as he leaned his body forward, anticipation crossing his face with a gleeful smile. We did this, and other slides on the structure several times. All the while, big kids ran past him, over him, and a few times, nearly through him. 

I think it's important, for him to play just as he would if he was walking even if that developmental skill alludes us. It is important for him to get that exercise and to work climbing stairs and crawling over bridges. It is important for him to see that reward of hard work (climbing) being paired with fun (sliding). It is important for him to learn to move out of the way at the end of the slide. It is important for him to learn his limitations in the form of injuries, hopefully minor. It is important for him to get dirty as the sweat from sun and exertion meets dust from mulch and sand. It is important for him to have typical experiences within the realm of his physical limitations. 

I think it is important for others to see too. Any other two and a half year old would be out there playing and toddling around, so Johnny is too. Would we let him scootch across the grocery store floor to prove a point that he can still have typical experiences? No. Is it appropriate for him to play with older kids, under supervision, even if he isn't walking? Yes. I think it was also important for people to see that he can do the stairs or the slide, with just a few extra moments of patience. Nobody had to wait long for him to either go or to move to a different part of the playground and if they had, I would have encouraged Johnny to keep moving just as I would have the girls. It is important for others to see that he has fun and delights in the same activities as anyone else. 

I hope for continued growth and experiences with Johnny like this morning. I enjoy watching him grow and to make his own way in the world. We want to encourage that sameness when appropriate and to facilitate assistance when needed. We don't know when or how each experience will happen in his life, but we are thankful to be around for the journey. 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Rodeo 2015

I was hesitant about taking the kids to the livestock show this year. I skipped last year because the year before was so crowded that I was completely unable to enjoy it as I kept counting kids the whole time and I felt like the girls learned nothing because the mob was too large and loud. I wanted to give it another whirl and decided to run down there a few weeks ago on a slightly dreary day. I was hoping the mist and prospect of rain would keep crowds away and was met with a fairly enjoyable experience. 

We met up with friends for a bit and watched the kids run around the farm they have set up. It's the girls' favorite part and even Johnny got to participate from his stroller, holding out a basket and taking items as directed. Of course, the girls were most excited about the treat the earned at the end and both opted for a fruit roll up. 

After, we visited the petting zoo and I think the girls and Johnny could have spent the entire day there. Johnny loved reaching out for the animals, especially the alpaca. The girls quickly found the brushes and chased all the animals around, squealing in delight at each new and smaller animal. I am always surprised at how instinctually they care for animals. They know how to be patient and kind and to wait for the animals to approach them. Keegan did have a little issue with a very hungry deer trying to eat her dress. When I say, eat, I mean had at least a foot of fabric down its throat. I'm glad she wasn't able to see it!

We walked around numerous displays and learned about several different animals. Over and over again the girls exclaimed how excited they were to be there and how it was the best day ever. I'm so glad we enjoyed our time and braving the hassle was definitely worth it. Those three kids make it worth it all the time!