Wednesday, October 23, 2013

New Book

I don't remember if it was before we had Johnny or after, but our Genetic Counselor, Lauren, sent over a recommendation for a book to get for the girls. I didn't get it at first, but now, as Johnny get's older, I am searching out more resources for the kids and him that deal with Ds at their level. In fact, one of Johnny's birthday presents is a board book that features kids with Ds doing the typical "opposite" words. This way he feels like kids like him are included in all sorts of media. Small aside, I think I saw a girl with Ds on "Good Luck Charlie" last week, she was a trick or treater on one of the Halloween episodes.

As I perused Amazon for books, I remembered "We'll Paint the Octopus Red" on our wish list. It arrived today and I immediately opened it and sat down to read it. It's a pretty basic book, tells about a little girl thinking of all the things she will do with her baby sibling who is due. When her dad tells her the baby has Down syndrome, she asks if the baby will be able to do all those things. It is a simple story, but one that even I need reminding of sometimes. That Johnny and other kids with Ds will do everything that other kids do, just at their own pace. I think it is a nice book to add to our collection and I can see the benefit of having it for kids who are older when their sibling with Ds is born.

I haven't read it to the kids yet and I am not sure how or if/when I will at this point. They don't know any better so I am not sure of when to broach that subject with them. As far as they can tell, he is normal just like all the other babies out there. They barely even notice his extra doctor appointments or OT sessions so I don't want to put the cart before the horse in labeling him for them when it doesn't matter to them. I think it is pretty neat that they are all so close in age that the differences aren't noticed. I think this book will be a great reminder down the road though!

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