On Easter Sunday we visited church and spent time with our dear friends the Medlins eating yummy food and swimming in their pool. We have two little water babies on our hands as both of them enjoyed time in the pool. MacKenzie skipped her nap and pretty much swam non stop from 3 until 8. We definitely had a good time, but also kept in mind the real reason for celebrating that day.
On Monday both girls had doctor appointments. That is the last time I schedule both their appointments at once. Thank goodness my mom came to help because I would not have been able to handle everything between MacKenzie crying from her shot (mainly because she was sleepy) and Keegan puking up the oral vaccine they gave her, then crying from her shots. Both girls are doing great and hitting all of their milestones. Keegan weighed 13 pounds 14 ounces (85th percentile) and was 23.5 inches long (only 69th percentile) so she is definitely a bit of a chunky monkey! MacKenzie weighed just shy of 30 pounds (94th percentile) and was 35.5 inches tall (99th percentile). It is no wonder her dresses are too short for her! We are so thankful for our healthy little girls!
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