The house is slowly getting back in order and we finally feel ok that at any moment we will be bringing our first born home to a half way decent house. We had so many delays in the home renovation process that we will probably avoid big projects like that for quite a long time. We still have cleaning and straightening up to do, and I am not sure if the dust will ever go away, but we feel like (if I am released from sitting orders) we could even have people over again. This is something that we love to do, and have had to apologize to a number of friends who we "owe" hosting duties to.
Mattie has been amazing in the whole bed rest process even if he does get a little ambitious with some of his projects. He recently changed out all of the plugs and switches to white to compliment our fancy new paint better. This is a picture of him putting together parts for the pack and play that will be our baby's main residence for the first bit of his or her life.
We are at 36 weeks which means we have (by now) 3.5 weeks or so to go. It is getting really hard to grasp that this baby is about done cooking and could come out at any time. Work last week was hard to go back to and I spent a lot of the afternoon napping. I am glad that I went back to work to get a few things in order before my long term leave. I am very organized and wanted to make sure that my other team teachers were aware of the resources they might need.
As you can see in the picture below, our growth has been substantial in the past month. People in the hall way take one look at me and shake their heads as if in disbelief that T-Rex is going to stay put a bit longer and that I am trucking through work as long as I can. T-Rex has had more of a predictable movement pattern over the past week with definite sleeping and awake time periods. T-Rex has decided that one of those awake and playing times should be at about 3:30 or 4 in the morning. I am hoping this is not a pattern that we will fall into once outside of the womb.
I have off work tomorrow, so no blah case of the Mondays on my part. I will spend the day grading and supervising electricians that are coming by to see why we have no lights in our master bath. Mommy is coming over as well to help get the last few things organized (both my mom and Matt's parents have been wonderful during this time). I go back to the doctor Wednesday afternoon, so we will see how things are the day before we reach full term!!!
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